1. The Semester Examination system will be followed for the Students of Std.I to Std.IX which will be held in the month of September and March. The results of which will be considered for promotion.
2. Besides this Semester Examination, there will be 2 tests for students of Std.I to X. The results of the Semester Examination will be given in the report cards and the parents are requested to examine and sign them.
3. Students who absent themselves from any tests or examination for valid reasons would obtain prior permission from the Head of the Institution. Incase of illness, a medical certificate should be submitted. Therefore any absence from test or examination without permission will be viewed seriously and suitable action will be taken.
4. Students who pass in all subjects in all the tests and Examination during the year scoring 85% marks in the High School and Higher Primary section and 90% marks in Primary Section will be awarded Merit Certificate.
5. Students who are absent for the 1st Semester or 2nd Semester Examination for any reason will not be promoted.
6. Every student must put in at least 75% attendance for promotion to the higher class. Those who have shortage of attendance will not be permitted to appear for the Annual Examination.
7. A Student may be advised to leave the school at the end of the year if his/her conduct has not been satisfactory. Failing twice will entail discontinuing his/her studies in the school.
8. Malpractice in tests and examinations is a serious offence and therefore it will not be tolerated. A student who has recourse to malpractice in the Annual Examination will not be promoted to the higher classes.
9. No candidate will be permitted to appear for the Annual Examination unless he/she has fulfilled the conditions regarding attendance progress and conduct.